
Fire Safety & Prevention

Did you know that if a fire starts in your home, you may only have TWO MINUTES to escape?

The most effective way to protect yourself and your home from fire is to identify and remove fire hazards.  A shocking sixty percent of house fire deaths occur in homes with no working smoke alarms.  Working smoke alarms and a fire escape plan that has been practiced regularly can save lives.

Make sure your Smoke Detectors are tested


Change your batteries when you change your clocks.

Preparing and Preventing a Home Fire - Steps You Can Take Now1

Smoke Alarms

Fire Escape Planning

Cooking Safely

Caution: Carbon Monoxide Kills

Importance of Lithium-ion Battery Safety

The public is using an increasing number of lithium-ion batteries in devices such as smartphones, laptops, e-cigarettes, e-bikes, cars and more due to their ability to store a significant amount of energy in a small space. They offer a great advantage to consumers daily. While they are safe to use and offer many benefits, they can also pose risks when exposed to high temperatures or handled improperly. Read more about Lithium-ion Battery Best Practices to Help Families Stay Fire Safe


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